Do you want to learn how to use every day situationS to boost your childS confidence?
We know parents want the absolute best for their children. Our interactive online courses give Mums and Dads the tools and techniques needed to build their children’s confidence, help them overcome anxiety, and increase resilience.
Course Layout
In Session One, well talk about the specific issues your child is facing, based on information you provide us with We’ll show you proven solutions relating to anxiety, confidence, resilience and managing emo¬tions. We’ll also cover behaviour, use of tech¬nology, and study motivation – as well as any other concerns you’ve raised.
In Session Two, well talk about the progress you’ve made, and give you fur¬ther advice about the next steps you can take. At tho end of this session, you’ll be fully prepared to give your kids the help and support they deserve.
Date and Time
Session 1
Wed, 14 October 2020
19:00 – 20:00 BST
Session 2
Thurs, 15 October 2020
19:00 – 20:00 BST
Why Choose Us?
Tailored Content
Fill in a pre-course questionnaire te¬lling us about the issues YOUR child is facing – the course will be specifically tailored to THEIR needs.
Continuous Support
Interactive and Personalised
Fill in a pre-course questionnaire te¬lling us about the issues YOUR child is facing – the course will be specifically tailored to THEIR needs.
Expert Advice
HelpingKids are professional Life Coaches with over 20 years of experience in working with young people and parents. We believe parents can be the best coaches for their children, but sometimes we all need a different perspective or some help. We have created easy to understand, effective, quick and easy techniques for you to use with your children every day.
Thank you for your interest in our courses. We are delighted that you are considering us.
We are looking forward to meeting you in person (well, via zoom, but at least face to face)
Have a nice day