
Our Ethos

Helping Kids

Our Story

We founded Helping Kids to support parents and children to achieve their true goals and happiness.

Life coaching for children helps them to be the very best that they can, without stresses and strains that can hold them back. At Helping Kids, our programmes are designed to always deliver the absolute best for every child and parent we work with.

We offer you our total dedication, honesty, and professionalism. We will work with you and your child to ensure they overcome any difficulties and acquire the self-awareness and techniques to help them for life, building their confidence and resilience.

We know that it can be hard to make that first step. That’s why we make it easy. All you need to do is call us. We will have an informal conversation, maybe even meet for a coffee and then you can decide what you want to do.

We are committed to helping all young people and their families to achieve their goals. We are here to support you to do just that.

Javier Orti

Javier Orti

 My person mission is to help parents and children achieve happiness. I want all young people to be the best that they can be, whatever that means to them, and through my life coaching for children, I help them to achieve their goals and flourish in life.

I founded Helping Kids six years ago, and still that mission is at the forefront of everything I do.
I am a professional life coach and hypnotherapist, and I love my job. I am good at it – really good – and I am very proud to say it. I want everybody who works with me to feel equally proud and happy about their choices.
Before Helping Kids I spent twenty years working in the corporate world. I was described as a ‘visionary.’ And yes, I believe that is true, because I believe we can all do better, be better, and achieve more. It’s my goal to help you succeed.
I want to help you and your children learn the skills that are needed to overcome struggles, cultivate confidence, build resilience, and reach their optimum.
I take a child and person centred approach. I work with you and for you, in partnership. I strongly believe that with the right mix of skills and strategies everyone can live the life they want to.
A bit more about me. I am married and have two daughters. I am Spanish and British and have been living in London for 20 years. I love running, swimming and rock climbing but unfortunately I don’t get a lot of time to do them. Our passion as a family is travelling and we always have trips planned– we love discovering and learning.
I’d love to get to know you. If you want to know more about Helping Kids – and how I can help your kids – please get in touch.


Amy Moser

Amy Moser

As a life coach, I enjoy helping people with their mental fitness. I am similar to a personal trainer, but I coach the mind and develop your ‘inside game’ to be stronger. For kids and parents that I coach, we build these muscles to last.  

I have been a life coach for 12 years. I run my own coaching practice and work as a coach with HelpingKids. 

My higher purpose is to inspire life-long learning, in a way that lasts. I love the idea that children can learn to have a positive mindset early, and adults can adopt it to fit where they are. At any point, coaching can help make good changes happen. It has for me, through the ups and downs in my own life.



I’m dedicated to kids and parents learning our tools together. My own kids are 11 and 13, and I can thank coaching for my calmness as a single parent raising them.

I am never one to stop learning. I trained with Positive Intelligence, I now use their breakthrough tools that change neural networks. I am certified with the Self-Worth Academy, building a key relationship – unconditional friendship with ourselves. I have also received a Certificate in Awareness of Mental Health Problems.

Originally from near Chicago, I moved to London 20 years ago to start an adventure. That sense of curiosity led me into the coaching world. Before coaching, I had a career in employee communications in London, Chicago and Abu Dhabi, working at Etihad Airways, Mercer HR Consulting, Andersen Consulting and BBC, where I was accepted into the internal coaching programme.

I am certified as a Master Practitioner of Neuro-Linguistic Programming. I completed Management Futures’ Intensive Coaching Skills programme. My MSc in Communication and BA in English Literature are part of my varied background. I also trained with Relate in London, and have experience with art therapy for kids.

If you’re considering doing some coaching, feel free to give me a call. I’d love to chat about how I can help you and your children grow and develop.


Our Accreditations

Simply send us an email or call us. We will schedule a call at a mutually convenient time. In that call we will explain what we do and how we do it and you can share how you think we can help your child.

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